A cordial greeting

Coventry, United Kingdom
It's all about Christian Bale.

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Sunday 2 March 2008

Scenario Planning

Yeah, I know, its been a while. This will hardly be worth the wait...what am I saying just read.

Scenario III: Resource Shortage

World wide power shortage causes gaming prices to increase dramatically. This means many gamers and developers can no longer afford this pastime, a power saving movement will begin, developers will incorporate energy saving advice into games, the approach by developers will drastically change as they try to conserve energy by prioritising functionality over realism.

Games will become simpler visually they will also become less immerse. Developers will have to come up with ways of making games that now look 10 year older appealing in new innovative ways.

Purists will rebel and produce a rival faction to counter this energy saving movement they will refuse to accept capped technology, believing there should be no limit.

Computers using more energy than the agreed cap will be deemed illegal.

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