A cordial greeting

Coventry, United Kingdom
It's all about Christian Bale.

Access Control Panel

Saturday 27 September 2008

I'm Back

It's been some time. I started this blog as part of my assignment at university. once that finished I left it for dead.

The new term starts in a few days so I guess you could say this is partly, no, the only reason I am typing here once again!

It got me thinking about it my blog good and proper.

If only google made Blogger easier to get to from its friggin' home page.


Sunday 16 March 2008

Smart Fridge

OK! so maybe I got just a little bit upset the first time, the burns have healed and I've forgiven my fridge.

Aesthetically it looks almost identical to white goods of the past although the display panel on the front and inch thick user Manuel quickly remind me how different this is going to be. But hey, if it can make shopping fun or at least easier, I'm all for learning something new.

I thought I'd run through some of the features of the wireless fridge to help cement them in my memory, it might even be useful to all of you who are considering getting one. Gone are the days where you simply bought your shopping and crammed it into the fridge only to rustle through the mess at 3am because you cant sleep and need to snack.

One of the main features you have with this fridge is that when you've bought all of your shopping you have the option to swipe a card at the checkout tills which will then store data on all of your refrigeration goods that you've purchased, once you've loaded your fridge back home simply scan the card via a device on the control panel and it then creates a database of the items you've just bought, registering that they are now inside the fridge, easy!

There are 4 features on the control panel that I really like, one allows you to check the sell by date on all of your items and it'll even tell you how many days they have left before they spoil.

Another function is a repair button, if the fridge stops functioning properly this feature will go through some basic diagnostics with you to help solve the problem, if that fails to get it working it will allow you to book someone to come out and repair the fridge!

A feature that I think will be extremely useful is the ability to download my fridges content list onto my LIFEphone. It will also show me items that I've run out of or items that are past their sell by date so I know exactly what I've run out of should I wish to purchase them again. This is all done by smart sensors placed inside the casing of the fridge which recognises when an item has been taken out of it via the identification tag installed on its packaging.

And finally there is a feature which advises me on products similar to those found in my purchase history, so rather than simplifying shopping to the point where I find myself buying the same stuff week in week out, pressing this button will give me some information on products I've not tried yet but those that are from the same brand I buy or similar types of foods. I like the fact that it creates more possibilities for me as well as making things more convenient.

Although I think consumers need to be very careful as to who will be in charge of regulating this particular feature.

....There are plenty more features, the fridge has the ability to assess its contents and produce recipe options for me. It'll even preheat my oven or prepare other appliances should they be required to make the meal.

Saturday 8 March 2008

I love it when a plan comes together

A friend brought to my attention that his LIFEphone created a far better route to work this morning.

Ironically - you knew it was coming - he arrived at the office 15 minutes late.

His little gadget failed to pick up on the traffic situation, it foolishly identified what the quickest way to work would be with the assumption he would be the only man on the roads.

I thought to myself, this is no good Timmy, your going to get your miserable ass fired. So, I decided to download, for free, traffic update software from LIFEphone.org. It refreshes every 30 seconds to give me the best possible route to work - as I'm on the move - whilst also taking into account traffic congestion.

Get it Free at LIFEphone.org - its still BETA - but it at least you won't get a disciplinary from your ultimate bad ass manager.

Friday 7 March 2008

Freakin' Fridge

Damn you!

My new fridge is proving to be more trouble than its worth, it damn near killed me.

I request a simple breakfast meal with eggs.

I pressed "begin" on the display panel, I followed the instructions - like you do - but the fridge told my hob to turn on in advance of me pouring the bloody oil in the pan.

Nothing like a sizzling oil shower to the face, eh.

Sunday 2 March 2008


Kameo: Elements of Power

I bought this game for £9 at the weekend. Bargain i thought. It was the first game released on the Xbox 360 after all.

Yeah i know, I'm slightly late in picking this one up.

I lthoroughly enjoyed Banjo Kazooie, Grabbed by the Ghoulies and even Viva Pinata, they were all made by Rare as is this title. Their reputation made it easy for me to finally give this one a try.

Its an enjoyable experience it plays well and is graphically diverse and colourful, I've not seen a better use in bump mapping.However I felt Kameo herself looked quite bland in comparison to the many other characters dotted about the world, they spent a lot time modelling the elemental characters and non playable characters so i was disappointed with kameo's overall appearance.

I have to admit i preferred the concept back in 2002, it came across as more of an RPG, how you nurture your elemental warriors would depend on the powerful beast they'd grow into.

This game, simply put, is an extremely linear adventure game and quite a short one at that. The main variables come from upgrading your 10 elemental warriors by finding up to 100 rare fruit strategically hidden throughout the game, this causes you to prioritise slightly.
Regardless of this, simple really does sum this game up. There is no reply value. And the geography of the world is unclear.

The user isnt able to save the game so returning to the game the following day results in your progress being saved but you often find kameo has spawned in a different area. I also have issues with the map, it can only be seen in certain zones and in the areas featuring them the white dots signalling places of interest don't make it clear as to whether you can travel through them or not. Not to mention the location that they represent.

The achievements are rather disapointing, they are only rewarded for linear progression through the games main quest line. Why not reward gamers for collecting all 100 elemental fruit or all 12 elixers or all hidden elemental warrior skins.

I do enjoy however the influx of warrior skins, each warrior has a skin stashed somewhere in the world, they are simply colour variants, however a free download of fan based concepts adds a wonderful new meaning to all 10 characters.

My main gripes with this game is that its far to simple, whilst there is plenty of free roaming to do your decisions have no effect on the world and how it sees you. you can go into peoples houses, destroy things and steal from chests yet there is no consequences for your actions. The content you destroy simply re-spawns. Hence the rewards inside the chests are meaning less. Runes(the games form of currency) are easy to get hold of because of this re-spawn feature. Even so there is nothing worth purchasing that will profoundly improve your progression through the game.

Finally, i would've liked to see more parameters for clearing a level, it plays similar to banjo kazooie so its a shame there are no alternative incentives to beat the game such as collecting 100 "things" or rescuing 7 of "those"

Its an enjoyable experience just extremely short and quite linear, there isn't a whole lot to do outside the main quest line that's worth your while. The game looks gorgeous however the world just isnt diverse enough.

Scenario Planning

Yeah, I know, its been a while. This will hardly be worth the wait...what am I saying just read.

Scenario III: Resource Shortage

World wide power shortage causes gaming prices to increase dramatically. This means many gamers and developers can no longer afford this pastime, a power saving movement will begin, developers will incorporate energy saving advice into games, the approach by developers will drastically change as they try to conserve energy by prioritising functionality over realism.

Games will become simpler visually they will also become less immerse. Developers will have to come up with ways of making games that now look 10 year older appealing in new innovative ways.

Purists will rebel and produce a rival faction to counter this energy saving movement they will refuse to accept capped technology, believing there should be no limit.

Computers using more energy than the agreed cap will be deemed illegal.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

No Class

So, I'm sitting in a mac lab right now, in the basement.

Its 13:07, class should've started at 13:00!

I suppose i should get off my bum and see what all the fuss is about.*

*or lack of

Monday 18 February 2008

Scenario Planning

This is post is mainly for an assignment, it may not make a lot of sense, its about the future, and who thinks about that?

Scenario Planners of course!!!

I'm going to work backwards, much like star wars. So here's my first, uh, fourth future scenario...

Scenario IV: ‘One’ Box

The PC and games console will merge together this will create a new hybrid culture. They will be sold in several variants as to cater for users who have different types of interests and preferences. Separate internal components will not be sold to the general public and home modding will be deemed illegal to prevent tampering, minimize piracy and other uses the machine was not intended for.

The machine will be designed to do everything that a personal computer and games console did and more; it will be portable, convenient and fashionable.

The machine will be heavily criticized for diminishing the consumer’s individuality and creativity critics will claim that the uses for a personal computer can’t be catered for through a handful of marketed variants with only subtle software and hardware differences.

This may provoke a rebellion a new social channel. People will want to remain anonymous, work on projects and experiment. Their voice has been cut off by the ‘One’ box causing rebels to modify the system in order for it meet their requirements.

Open source is scorned upon by the big corporation behind the ‘One’ box. File sharing becomes tedious and complex; forms must be filled in for something to be shared legally, varying in complexity depending on the size and format of the file looking to be shared.

Saturday 9 February 2008


I believe vacancy ties in directly with motivation and success.

At least in terms of scheduling.

Lets say for instance you pursue an interest, to succeed at this interest your going to have to get in line, conform to a system, a system that enabled many people before you to succeed at this interest.

So this interest has demands, demands on your time, it also means you have to prioritise your other interests to fit this one in.

Doing what is required of you to succeed at this interest is not necessarily the tricky part, although that does depend a little bit on the specifics of the interest. But for arguments sake, lets say it isnt the key ingredient, it is the foundation however for something far more important...

Its the non-regulated hours, recommended study time, optional training and free hours which make or break your success chances of your particular interest.

Vacant hours well spent determine how successful you are at your interest, everyone has a different goal in life a different definition of success.

If your focused and persistent in your vacant space you will immediately feel more dedicated and driven. Attending mandatory schooling of your interest isn't enough, to surpass average Joe your interest must consume your "free" time.

I feel slightly hypocritical writing this...

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hockey Practise

I feel when one thing goes to plan that usually means something else has been pushed out. My rebounds were controlled well but my skates being as blunt as they were meant I couldn't recover as quickly as I would normally like.

Good reasons to feel positive though, my positioning was good and I had the energy and desire tonight.

I don't know why I've mentioned hockey on here! I probably wont again...so this is a rare insight for you all, whoever you all are...

Oh, and here's a brilliant picture of someone called Johan

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Driving Forces

I'm ready to put this blog to use, I'm going to talk about driving forces effecting the internet. There will be a lot of unanswerable questions as what I'm going to say is perhaps informed speculation.

Today in class we threw many ideas around, too many to perhaps relay here with any degree of success but i will try my best.

Lets begin with social networking sites, this tool has a detrimental effect on how we socialise, share and consume media. Yes it may be a tool where by you simply fill in a profile and then search for hot girls, but in reality its so much more than that.

A whole new culture has been created, an element of casual interaction and voyeurism. Its a secretive method of communication and consumption, we share a space with other users yet we don't come into physical content with them, its convienent, casual and private. Once we become friends with user's on a social networking site we can see how this person changes and develops over time.

We don't so much ask how someone's day was as we are free to view there online space whenever we please. Has her page content changed? has a friend voluntarily filled out a survey inadvertently satisfying my curiosity? We now understand and learn things about friends we wouldn't otherwise think or ask about in person. Its almost as if there's the illusion that the content a user submits wont be seen by others, but in reality the information is shared far more than first life gossip.

Its inevitable that integration will be a major factor in terms of the development of networking sites. Video content, mini game applications and instant messaging may all fall under one roof and in real time, all in just one space, your favourite music playing whilst instant messaging friends and browsing others.

So what happens when the build up of content clutters our online space?
will there be a time when we no longer find social networking enjoyable or useful?
what are the effects on face to face communication?
Can social networking sites be a positive influence on society?
Will today's youth suddenly grow out of this cyberculture movement?
Are we aware of our diminishing privacy?

Monday 4 February 2008


Well I'm about to go to bed, i should have done a while ago.

I'm still figuring out what to do with this blog, my posts have been pretty random so far. I suppose I've tried not to exclude anything and believe that everything is worth shouting about.

Bed time.

Friday 1 February 2008

brave new world?

Here it is ladies and Gentleman, the blog that just must be seen...


Please take your time to look around and enjoy the digital masterpieces on hand.

But shush don't tell him i sent you, its a professional blog, so must not be associated with some gutter ridden creation like mine.

So yeah, thats http://bravenewhelloworld.blogspot.com

Thursday 31 January 2008


I'm here with John, say hi John...

"f**k off"

"anything else John?"

"b***ard, c**t"

"goin' for a fag"

Hes a nice lad, really.

The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off

This documentary is not for the faint hearted, i haven't watched much television recently but i was attracted to what i thought was a bad title for a program. It couldn't have been anymore fitting really.

I urge you to watch his program, whoever you are. Whatever your problem. If you think you have it bad or if you think life's out to get you then please, watch Jonny Kennedy's story!

I guarantee you'll think differently about yourself, other people and life in general.

Im not a sufferer of Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa or EB for short, but it still touched me, the fact that this man suffered with a condition for 36 years that no-one should have to experience for more than a day demonstrates he is one of the most amazing personality's I've ever seen, within minutes you see him for what he really is and pay no attention to his "broken shell"

If you have on demand go to TV Choice > Factual > Boy whose skin fell off

I'll leave it at that for now.


Wednesday 30 January 2008


Nice to see a day at work go smoothly.
I phoned a woman who was from the Telford store, she had a nice voice!

Oh and the manager stashed away a pink and a purple game boy color. He bought them both for 48p




Hello everyone, I've just finished two pieces of toast with this cherry jam spread on top. It was rather nice. What else do you want me to say?
